
During the meeting year members and visitors participate in two types of projects:-

Monthly Projects

Each month a topic is chosen from a collection of member/visitor produced titles then work is brought to the next meeting in draft or final format. Recent project topics were:- Colour, Layout, Birth Sign, Gloria in Excelsis, Season, Beauty, Tudor, Winter/Copperplate/Baby, Music. Some examples of work submitted are shown below:-

Group Projects

Periodically everyone works together to produce a group item:-


At the end of the 2022-23 meeting year members took up the challenge of producing a 2024 calendar with each member currently producing a page. The finished work will be viewed at our 7 October 2023 meeting. More details and some images will be shown on this website in the near future.

Glasgow Scribes Book

At the end of 2017 everyone thought that producing a book of calligraphy work would be an interesting group exercise and would also be a special achievement/item. The bound book would be based on a chosen topic, could be displayed and stored in a museum/library and could be digitised so that members and visitors had a copy. By May 2018 everyone was researching, planning and drafting ideas for the "Scottish" book which had a completion deadline of May 2019.

Since then the book has been viewed at several Glasgow Scribes meetings and has also been stored safely during Covid lockdowns and restrictions. It is currently being looked after by a Glasgow Scribes member pending a decision re its final storage at a Glasgow or Scottish organisation which can keep it safely, display it and allow visitors to view it. More details and some page images will follow soon.


In April 2017 members and visitors took up the challenge of producing "Flourished Lettering" initials for a group collage which would be displayed at the October 2017 Stitching, Sewing and Hobbycrafts event at the Glasgow SEC.

Flourished Letters - Members/Visitors
Flourished Letters - Members/Visitors

Quotation Boxes

At the beginning of the 2015-16 session members enthusiastically produced quotation cards for our colouful Quotation boxes which were sold, at £3.50 each, to friends and family before Christmas and to visitors at the October 2015 Hobbycrafts event.

Glasgow Scribes Quotation Boxes


During 2012-13 members and visitors took up the challenge of producing alphabet letters for a Glasgow Scribes card which could be used by members, family, friends and visitors. By December 2013 there were enough letter submissions for a set of 5 blank cards as shown below. Printed cards were sold at £4.50 to cover printing costs and proved to be very popular. Spare letters were kept for future cards or projects.