Meet the Calligrapher - Francesca Valbonesi

We've turned our focus to our Webmaster and talented pointed pen calligrapher Francesca Valbonesi who coordinates and uploads the popular Meet The Calligrapher feature. Here are her responses:

How did you find out about the Scribes?

It was through a basic broad-edge workshop with calligrapher Iain Howie who has now sadly passed away but, it was organized through the Scribes and held in Cass Art in Glasgow.

How long have you been doing calligraphy?

My memory is a little hazy but, I think maybe close to 9/10 years?

What was your last piece of work?

My last calligraphy piece was for the Glasgow Scribes calendar. I was asked to produce the Contributor’s List and it really tested my ability at fitting everybody’s names into the available space! It turned out well, I think.

Most recently, I have been doing a bit Flourish studying as I haven't done any flourishing for a long time.

What is your favourite script?

I would have to say ultimately copperplate because it’s what I started with. Over the years I’ve developed my own style with it and like the way it sort of dances across the paper…it’s definitely been influenced by my studies in flourishing and Cancelleresca.

What made you start learning calligraphy?

My cousin was getting married and she asked me to do her invites as my background was in graphic design. I had always been interested in calligraphy but never really looked into learning it and from all the wedding invite research I was doing modern calligraphy was the latest trend. So in light of that, I took the opportunity and bought myself Molly Suber Thorpe’s "Modern Calligraphy" book and all the necessary tools to get started. Quickly found out I was rubbish at it so then bought Eleanor Winter’s "Mastering Copperplate Calligraphy" and the rest is history.

What calligraphy resource/tool/material could you not live without?

A pencil and eraser! There’s no need for anything fancy to get started in calligraphy - I remember when I started out thinking the more expensive tools I had the better my work and progress would be. How wrong I was!

Most memorable calligraphy person you've met?

I have two and I can’t choose between them! I have extremely fortunate to have met and taken workshops with two Masterpenmen Michael Sull and Barbara Calzolari. They both have such a passion for the art form and sharing their knowledge.

Last TV/Movie you watched?

I’ve been watching a few things recently but, currently I’m really enjoying the BBC’s “Race Across the World”. I’m not the biggest fan of reality TV however; the show is a real eye opener to different cultures and testing the resilience of all the couples involved.

If you could invite 3 calligraphers (past/present) to dinner, who would you invite?

This is a tough one! I’m tempted to say some of the past legends but really I would like to hang out with my calligraphy friends Pia and Fozzy. We chat all the time about anything and everything (sometimes calligraphy also gets a mention haha) and of course we would need to invite Lolo (Tagalog for Grandfather) Michael Sull.

What was the last book you read/or are reading?

I’m an avid reader and my kindle is never far from me, I’ve literally just finished “The Law of the Heart” by Boris Starling. It’s a really moving, emotional read of a forbidden and doomed (Spoiler alert) love set in North Korea.